Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Make memories | Advice

Perhaps it is because 2012 is possibly my last year as a University student, but I have discovered something significant lately that I would like to share with my readers. There is no point in counting down the days until you get to go home for vac and constantly being homesick. Yes, homesickness is an unaviodable feeling, we all go through it. It takes time to adjust to a new place and to new people...especially after a long holiday. But I have found that the worst thing you can do is always working towards when you will next be able to leave. You hear older people say it all the time, "varsity was the best part of my life, I wish I could go back and do it again". Yes being a student is rough...the hard work never seems to end. But, in my opinion, the best thing to do is to live it up whilst you're in the moment. You don't want to look back at this time in your life and wish you had made more of every moment you had.

I'm not talking about going to as many parties as possible and experimenting with every drug under the sun (although, no judgement here!), what I mean is making the most out of the little moments. Rather than opting to stay in bed because it's the one day you get to chill, jump at the opportunity to go for a walk or go on a trip or to see a friend. Get involved in things that you most likely won't get to do once you start working. Make as many friends as you can. Absorb as much as you can take in. Take every moment by the horns! (And take LOADS of photos!)

Make memories that you will look back at and smile! Be able to walk away from the experience saying that you made the most of it. Because, chances are (unless you are very lucky) you won't ever get to study again.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have decided to make some changes to my blog. A while ago a read an article (I can't remember where) about how to have a successful blog that will attract readers. One of the suggestions was that your blog should centre around a particular theme or topic, for example, fashion or photography rather than it just be a place where you write about your life as people may find this boring and it makes your blog less accessible on search engines.

I have been doing some soul-searching lately and I have realised that I have been through so much in my life. And each new experience, whether it be negative or positive, teaches me a new lesson. This may sound very cliche, but I am slowly realising that there is truth in the phrase "everything happens for a reason".

It has always irritated me when people have said that to me as a means of consoling me whilst I am going through something. At the time, it is very difficult to believe that this terrible thing that you are going through is actually meant to teach you some sort of important life lesson. But I find that once the storm has passed, I tend to look back in retrospect and realise what I learned (or was meant to learn) from that situation/experienced.

The point that I am trying to make is that I have learned many hard lessons in my lifetime. And whilst I do believe that you should learn your own lessons, it is helpful (and saves time) to learn from other people's mistakes and triumphs too. And so I am re-purpossing my blog as more of a place where I can share advice and suggestions with others. So stick around...