As a current TV advert states Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is the “show that has divided America”
(and the world let’s be honest). And it sure has! People are raging about how
common, redneck, lowdown and disgusting the family are. And others are raving
about how much they love the show, although I've noticed that not many people
say why they love the show.
My opinion: I think Here
Comes Honey Boo Boo is a fantastic show, I love it, and here’s why.
Here is a family of people who do not care one little bit
about what others think about them. How amazing must it be to love yourself so
much that you don’t care about how others perceive you? Should we not all
strive towards such self-love? June or Mama, the mother of the family, weighs
over 300 pounds and yet she thinks she is beautiful. But according to society’s
definition of what is beautiful or desirable, she is not. I think it is amazing
that she is so confident in herself and that she thinks she is beautiful no
matter what.
Here is a family that is so close that they are comfortable
being themselves around one another, to the point where they fart in front of
one another, pick their noses, burp etc. Their display of this supposed
socially unacceptable behavior around one another just shows how accepting
they are of one another. Should we not all want to have relationships that
close and that comfortable with our family members?
I think what the show highlights most obviously is that we
have this belief that our culture is what is right and acceptable, nothing else
is. To them they don’t have an accent. That is our perception of them. And just
because they don’t talk like we do doesn't make them any less common than the
Geordies of Newcastle whose accent we don’t understand either.
Their behavior is perceived as socially unacceptable. But
it’s unacceptable according to our culture,
to them it’s perfectly normal. We
think being that fat is ugly, we
think behaving that way is unladylike and rude, we think what they are doing is wrong. We are so quick to make judgement based on the fact that we believe that what we do in our culture is
right, and everyone else who doesn't do it our way is wrong, disgusting,