Monday, November 26, 2012

5 Tips for Kicking Exam Stress' Butt | Advice

Most institutions place a huge emphasis on exams. This puts students under an immense amount of pressure which more than likely amounts to a great deal of stress. Stress is one of the most counterproductive things when it comes to exams: it prevents one from thinking clearly and retaining information. It results in constant fatigue and people often develop unhealthy habits as a result of stress. As someone who gets really stressed when it comes to exams, here are my tips to deal with and even combat exam stress:

1) Get enough sleep. Establish a set bedtime and make sure you stick to it and make sure you get a full 8 hours (if not more). Both your brain and your body need sleep in order to process and retain information, to cope with stress and to help you concentrate.
2) Exercise. Although working out or playing a sport does cut into your study time, setting aside an hour a day to get moving will actually benefit you more than studying for that hour. The reason being is that it floods your body with oxygen and gets your blood pumping. When exercising you can get all your frustration out and it helps hugely with keeping stress levels at bay.

3) Avoid stressful people. As mentioned in my previous post about exams, staying away from people who stress a lot is just as important as avoiding negative people. People who naturally stress a lot will have an influence on the way you function. Their stress levels will rub off on you.

4) Stay healthy. One tends to pick on a lot of sugary and unhealthy food during exams - mostly because of stress and the need for energy. Treat your body respectfully and it will return the favour. Try to eat at least one proper meal a day that includes a high dose of protein and a load of different veggies. Eating balanced meals will help your body cope with stress and keep you feeling healthy.

5) It's mind over matter: think your way out of stress. If you stress at a particular time during exams (e.g. the night before an exam , the day of or even right at the beginning of your studying) then make sure you prepare yourself to mentally combat your own stress. This might sound really wishy-washy, but you do have the power to control your own thoughts. When stressful thoughts cross your mind, distract yourself, think about calming things and convince yourself - even if it may not be the truth - that you are well-prepared and that you have more than enough time to get everything into your head.


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