1) Drink PLENTY of water.
They say 8 glasses per day. They also say 1 glass per 10kgs that you weigh. My opinion is drink as much as you can handle. If your bladder is anything like mine, you will need the bathroom pretty often. But keep in mind that it is flushing out all those nasty toxins that get in the way of your brain absorbing information. Also, for those of you who write exams in the middle of Summer, it's important to keep hydrated.
2) Stay away from people who will bring you down.

3) Take a break after every exam.
Even if your exam timetable sucks and you have all your subjects in a row, it really helps to take a break after every paper. After sitting an exam (whether it be an hour long or 5 hours long), your brain, body and even your soul needs time to recouperate before you hit the books again. Most of the time I would recommend having a decent nap. But if you are too scared that you won't wake up fresh enough to carry on studying, do something that requires little energy. If you have 2 exams in the same day, go for a quick walk or have some lunch etc.
Experience has taught me that even if you are the most responsible person in the world when it comes to exams, there is always the chance that something goes wrong. If you usually use your alarm on your phone, make sure that it is fully charged before you hit the sack. BUT, do yourself a favour and invest in a good old-fashioned alarm clock (they are not very expensive these days) that you can keep at your bedside. At least you will be gaurenteed to wake up. You don't ever want to be in a position where you have to explain to your Head of Department that you slept through your exam.
5) If you are addicted to something that helps you procrastinate, get someone to keep it from you during exams.
If you're anything like me, you can sit for hours watching endless YouTube videos and playing Tetris on Facebook. If you find yourself spending too much time doing these things when you should actually be settling down to study, get a friend to keep your laptop for you during the time that you have set aside to study. I'm not saying starve yourself of your luxuries. But get to know your own habits and identify where you waste the most of your time.
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