It's quite straightforward really, but harder said than I know...
1) Attend all your lectures
As much as you think they might be useless or boring. Your lecturer will notice that you are a regular and might keep that in mind when marking your assignments/exams and they are the majority of what your exams are based on.
2) Attend all tutorials or extra classes
Sometimes just showing face can get you far in life. And you never know when you might just be rewarded for your efforts!
3) Ask for help - but prove that you can be helped

Although asking for help can be embarassing sometimes, there are going to be things that you don't understand or can't quite grasp. This does not mean you are stupid. Often asking for help shows that you are invested and that you are willing to go the extra mile. Ask a friend who takes the same class, a tutor or your lecturer. No question is a stupid question, and if anyone implies that it is, report them. It is always a good idea to go into whatever meeting you've made to get help prepared. Make sure you know exactly what you are going to ask and be able to prove that you have already tried to help yourself by doing research, extra readings and so on.
4) Hand your work in on time
Handing work in late purely because of poor time management will certainly jeapordise your marks.
5) Work consistently

Keep up with your work during term so that you don't spend all your time trying to catch up work an understand things that you haven't gotten around to yet when it is actually time to be studying. When exams come around you want to be spending time on revising what you already know.
6) Go the extra mile
If there are assignments that you can do for extra credit or if your lecturer has recommended extra readings - do them! Always strive to better yourself and build upon what you already know.
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