Monday, March 5, 2012

It's Time to Say Goodbye | Advice

Possibly one of the biggest (life) lessons I have learned this year (so far) is that deleting negative people who bring you down can actually be life-changing.

I was apprehensive at first. Particularly about letting go of friends that you have been close to for a long time. But after taking some time to really think about how my friendship with them was affecting me - and being a little selfish for once in my life - I realised that a lot of what these people say or do actually hurts me, brings me down and makes me feel bad about myself. Although cutting them out your life might hurt their feelings and it might make mutual friends feel a bit awkward, sometimes the best thing you can do is put your own feelings first. 

I have learned that one's mental health should come before everything else, although you may feel like you are being selfish (this is something I battle with). If you are not happy, you cannot be a good friend, parent, sibling or child to anyone in your life.  Neglecting your mental health can lead to serious consequences. I shall blog about that sometime...

My point is, as hard as it may be, sometimes it is best to let go of the people who have a negative impact on your life. It is a therapeutic and cleansing process. And although it may hurt in the beginning, in retrospect, you might thank yourself for making positive changes to your life.

Saying goodbye isn't easy...but sometimes it's for the best.

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